Libri recensiti
a) Edições de Texto. Comentários. Traduções. Estudos Linguísticos Marina Coray, Martha Krieter-Spiro, Edzard Visser, Homer’s Iliad: The Basel Commentary. Book IV. Translated by Benjamin W. Millis and Sara Strack, edited S. Douglas Olson - Rui Carlos Fonseca Virgilio, Geórgicas III. Organizacao Matheus Trevizam, traducoes Antonio Feliciano Castilho e Trevizam Gabriel A. F. Silva Plutarco, Sobre comer carne. Traducao do grego, introducao comentario Joaquim Pinheiro Bernardo Mota Merce Puig Rodriguez-Escalona (ed.), Projeccions la lexicografia llatina medieval a Catalunya Prieto Espinosa Michael Winterbottom, Style Scholarship: Latin Prose from Gildas to Raffaele Regio. Selected Papers. Praef. Lapidge, cur. Roberto Gamberini Elena Berti Gregorio Rodriguez Herrera Florilegios latinos y sociedad Jose Martin-Iglesias, Pablo C. Diaz, Margarita Vallejo Girves, La Hispania tardoantigua visigoda en las fuentes epistolares. Antología P. Alberto Ruth Miguel Franco, Martin-Iglesias (edd.), Braulionis Caesaraugustani epistulae et Isidori Hispalensis Epistulae ad Braulionem. confessio uel professio Iudaeorum ciuitatis Toletanae Rodrigo Furtado Juan Gil Fernandez Scriptores Muzarabici saeculi VIII-XI FurtadoFrederic Duval traduction à casus du Code Justinien. Édition critique livre II Mario Gouveia Melpomeni Vogiatzi, Byzantine commentaries on Aristotle’s “Rhetoric” Duarte Linda Yuretich (trans.), Chronicle of Constantine Manasses. with commentary introduction Galvano Fiamma, Chronica pontificum Mediolanensium. Edizione critica, traduzione commento cura di Federica Favero Pedro Valencia, Epistolario. Jesus M.a Nieto Ibanez, Inmaculada Delgado Jara, Isabel Viforcos Marinas (coordinadores) Santiago Lopez Moreda Charles Ridoux Paul Meyer. Gaston Paris. Correspondance. Avec collaboration d’Ursula Bahler d’Alain Corbellari Vanda Anastacio b) Literatura. Cultura. História David Bouvier, Veronique Dasen Héraclite: le temps est un enfant qui joue Castro Caeiro Andre Hurst, Dans l’atelier Pindare Rafael J. Galle Cejudo, Manuel Sanchez Ortiz Landaluce Studia Hellenistica Gaditana II: De Calímaco Nono Panópolis. Estudios crítica textual exégesis literaria Candon Romero Signes Codoner, Breve guía literatura griega desde Hesíodo hasta Pletón Christoph Pieper, Bram Van Der Velden Reading Cicero’s final years. Reception the post-caesarian works up sixteenth century two epilogues Luis Gaspar Cerqueira Benedicte Delignon, Nadine Meur, Olivier Thevenaz poésie lyrique dans cité antique: Les Odes d’Horace au miroir grecque archaïque Braga Falcao M. Courrent, Vitruvius auctor. L’oeuvre littéraire Vitruve sa réception littérature AlbertoS. Amendola, G. Pace, Volpe Cacciatore Immagini letterarie iconografia nelle opere Plutarco Nuno Simoes Rodrigues Novelli, Giuseppetti Spazi contesti teatrali. Antico moderno Valentina Caruso Georgia Sermamoglou-Soulmaidi, Evan Robert Keeling Wisdom, Love, Friendship in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays honor Daniel Devereux Ana Rita Figueira Hunter H. Gardner, Pestilence Body Politic Literature Historia Antigua del Cristianismo. Desde los Orígenes al Concilio Calcedonia Paulo Ramos Wolfram Horandner, Andreas Rhoby, Nikos Zagklas A Companion Poetry Leonora Neville, Guide historical writing Pomer Monferrer, Jordi Redondo Pietat, prodigi i mitificació tradició literària occidental Nereida Villagra Alganza Roldan, Papadopoulou mitología tradición literaria: Antigüedad Grecia contemporánea Anna Maria Mesturini, Ψεῦδος: I “colori” della finzione Joana Matos Frias Ingrid R. Smet, White Sodalitas litteratorum. Études mémoire / Studies memory Philip Ford Tarrio Yann Potin, Trésor, écrits, pouvoirs: Archives bibliothèques d’État France fin Moyen Âge Guardado da Anthony Lodge comptes des consuls Montferrand (1378- 1385) Covadonga Valdaliso-Casanova Canteaut Le discret langage pouvoir. mentions chancellerie XVIIe siècle Sa-NogueiraArnaud Fossier, Johann Petitjean, Clemence Revest Écritures Grises. instruments travail administrations (XVIe-XVIIe siècle) Corujo Jeanne-Marie Jandeaux, Roi déshonneur familles: les lettres cachet pour affaires famille Franche-Comté XVIIIe Jorge Revez Poncet, Katia Weidenfeld Déclarez vos revenus! Histoire imaginaire d’un instrument fiscal (XVIIIe-XXIe c) Transmissão Textual. Codicologia. Instrumenta Alberto, Chiesa, Goullet Understanding Hagiography. Textual Transmission Early Medieval Saints’ Lives Fernand Peloux Antonia Fornes Pallicer Paleògrafs editors: mètodes, objectius experiències Liste archivistes paléographes Helder Carita, Garcia imagem Lisboa: O Tejo as leis zenonianas vista mar Positions thèses: Soutenues par élèves promotion 2018; 2019; 2020
منابع مشابه
Galeni De Placitis Hippocratis et Platonis Libri I-V
PHILLIP DE LACY (editor, translator and commentator), Galeni De Placitis Hippocratis et Platonis Libri IV, (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum V 4, 1, 2), Berlin, DDR, Akademie Verlag, 1978, 8vo, pp. 359, 98M. Reviewed by Vivian Nutton, M. A., Ph.D., Wellcome Institutefor the History of Medicine, 183 Euston Road, London NW) 2BP. With this publication, Professor De Lacy, Emeritus Professor of Classics a...
متن کاملGaleni De Placitis Hippocratis et Platonis Libri VI-IX
on the part of the ecclesiastics who ran the hospitals, and handicapped by erroneous views on the causation of the disease and its therapy. It was not plague, and therefore plague precautions, with their dire economic consequences, were not recommended; yet the fear that it might become plague always troubled them. Besides, the officials, often insulated from the lower classes, could not believ...
متن کاملA Previously Unknown Path to Corpuscularism in the Seventeenth Century: Santorio’s Marginalia to the Commentaria in Primam Fen Primi Libri Canonis Avicennae (1625)
This paper presents some of Santorio's marginalia to his Commentaria in primam fen primi libri Canonis Avicennae (Venice, 1625), which I identified in the Sloane Collection of the British Library in 2016, as well as the evidence for their authorship. The name of the Venetian physician Santorio Santori (1561-1636) is linked with the introduction of quantification in medicine and with the inventi...
متن کاملHypophysis. From outgrowth, to ocular disorder to pituitary gland.
Galen (2nd c. AD) used it to describe a progressive outgrowth, as of hair (De methodo medendi libri xiv 10.1015.6), the nails (De anatomicis administrationibus libri ix 2.337.16) of hard skin or of the tendons, the ancient physician believing that the hardness of a tissue caused its emergence (De usu partium 3.110.18, 3.111.6). Pseudo-Galen (2nd c. AD) used the term hypophysis to describe the o...
متن کاملUn modello di struttura dinamica per ebook scolastici
Oggi non si possono ignorare le trasformazioni significative che le pratiche di studio e lo stile cognitivo delle nuove generazioni hanno subito a seguito dell’uso del Web [Paolo Ferri 2008; Angela Spinelli 2009]. La legge 133/2008 e le disposizioni ministeriali successive1 concernenti i libri di testo per la scuola e relative all’obbligo del passaggio ai libri digitali o “misti”, con tutti i l...
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عنوان ژورنال: Evphrosyne
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['0870-0133', '2736-3082']